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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 7.4.0.


File Line
gov/nist/secauto/oscal/tools/cli/core/commands/ 76
gov/nist/secauto/oscal/tools/cli/core/commands/ 140
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both a source and destination argument must be provided.");

    File source = new File(extraArgs.get(0));
    if (!source.exists()) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("The provided source '" + source.getPath() + "' does not exist.");
    if (!source.canRead()) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("The provided source '" + source.getPath() + "' is not readable.");

  public ICommandExecutor newExecutor(CallingContext callingContext, CommandLine cmdLine) {
    return ICommandExecutor.using(callingContext, cmdLine, this::executeCommand);

      "PMD.OnlyOneReturn", // readability
  protected ExitStatus executeCommand(
      @NonNull CallingContext callingContext,
      @NonNull CommandLine cmdLine) {
    List<String> extraArgs = cmdLine.getArgList();
    Path destination = resolvePathAgainstCWD(ObjectUtils.notNull(Paths.get(extraArgs.get(1)))); // .toAbsolutePath();